
Monday 27 February 2017

New series: Sharing the love

Hi everyone,

Recently I have really been getting into to finding new blogs and YouTubers. That's when I came up with an idea of a new series for my blog, a monthly blog and YouTube video favourites.

Every month I will pick a few favourites and put them all together in a monthly round-up post. As I mentioned this is also a good way for me to find new blogs and YouTubers, so I made up a form where you can add the content you have recently created. 

If you are interested in being featured click the link below to take you to the form.

It's a Tasha Thing's February blog/video round up form

I look forward to seeing your blog posts and YouTube videos.

Tasha x

Saturday 25 February 2017

The Liebster Award!

Hi everyone,

So a couple of weeks ago I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovey Steph from Steph's World. Steph has given me 11 questions to answer and I will then write 11 questions for my 11 nominees.

So here are the rules:

  1. Post 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers
  4. Ask them 11 questions
  5. Let them know that you have nominated them
11 facts about me:
  1. I have a beautiful daughter called Darcie
  2. I am a huge fan of Harry Potter and I have visited the Warner Bros. Tour twice (planning a third).
  3. I have a CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education
  4. I am  HUGE lush fan
  5. I support Southampton fc 
  6. I turned down the opportunity to go on holiday to Orlando because of my fear of flying. I regret this decision deeply and cry when I see things to do with Disneyworld etc. 
  7. I love the series 'Reign' on Netflix or The CW channel. This is probably because I love things to do with history. (Or maybe because the series is just amazing.)
  8. I love to bake and I am planning on adding some posts to do with baking to my blog.  
  9. I cannot resist buying makeup. I may not need that particular bright sparkly pink eyeshadow but I buy it anyway, the packaging was pretty why not? 
  10. I cannot go in a lift/elevator by myself. I'm petrified of them and will find anyway to avoid going in one. 
  11. I have had braces since the age of 15/16. I had to have an operation as 2 of my adult teeth were in the wrong place to come through and take the place of my baby teeth. (I won't go into too much detail, whole other post.) 

Steph's Questions:

1.Where is the most exciting place you have visited?

I think the most exciting place I have ever visited would have to be Tenerife. Due to the fact it was my first holiday without my parents and it was just me and my boyfriend.

2. In your spare time what do you do?

In my spare time I love to spend time with my little family (namely my boyfriend and my daughter), watch Netflix, watch EastEnders, write blog posts and go shopping.

3. What is your favourite TV series right now?

My favourite TV series right now would have to be (if I am allowed to pick a Netflix one as I don't really watch series on TV much) would have to be Reign. There isn't an episode I have not enjoyed, it seriously is an amazing series and I am so sad that season 4 is the last one.

4. Do you have any trips planned this year?

Sadly, no. We want to wait until Darcie is a little older to go anywhere. I think in the next couple of years we may plan a little break to Brighton or somewhere.

5. What habit do you find most annoying?

I don't really have a habit that annoys me. I'm the type of person who ignores a lot of things but if I am in a bad or irritable mood little things can just irritate me.

6. Do you have an outfit you wear over and over again?

An outfit I wear again and again would be my black Jack Wills leggings and one of my comfy jumpers.

7. If you could eat in any restaurant right now, where would it be?

If I could eat anywhere right now it would have to be Creams Cafe. I would order a waffle with double Nutella and fresh strawberries.

8. How do you come up with blogpost ideas?

The most recent way I have been coming up with blog post ideas is in the shower. I even tweeted this the other day. 

9. How do you take your blog photographs?

I tend to take my blog photographs during the day and with my iPhone 6s. I like to make the most of natural lighting. I use a few props now and then depending on the photo.

10. Do you think there is pressure to achieve good stats on you blog?

I think this completely depends what you are blogging for. If you are blogging purely for the opportunities, yes. If you are blogging because you are doing so as a hobby, no. At the end of the day everyone's blog is their own and if they want to blog for opportunities that's fine by me, it doesn't have any impact on me and my blog as this is my own little space.

11. Has blogging helped you in everyday life?

Has blogging helped me in everyday life? I'm not to sure. I think it's helped me vent some ways I like to be creative and be part of a community. I have spoken to some amazing people through blogging and it has opened my mind up to a lot of different things. So, you could say in some ways it has.  

My nominees are:

My questions to you:
  1. Why did you start your blog?
  2. Where is your favourite place to shop and why?
  3. If you could only eat one food for a year, what would it be and why?
  4. If I gave you a free holiday, where would you pick to go and why?
  5. Night in or night out? What is the reason for your choice? 
  6. What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? 
  7. What is your favourite social media platform? 
  8. If you could pick to live someone else's life for a day, who would you pick? (Doesn't have to be a celebrity.) 
  9. What is your favourite TV programme? 
  10. How do you get motivated?
  11. What is your favourite film?

Tasha x

Thursday 9 February 2017

21st Birthday Haul!

Hi everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I turned 21! When asked what I wanted for my birthday, I said I didn't mind. Besides, what do you get the girl that's got all she has ever wanted? In which case everyone decided to go down the route of giving me money. I was so grateful for what I received off of friends and family. I wanted to put the money to things I really needed or things I have wanted for a while. I also treated my boyfriend to a couple of meals since he has been so good to me recently.

First of all I will start off with one of the presents I did receive and that was the Marc Jacobs Decadence perfume.

perfume, handbag, green, pretty
I absolutely love this perfume! This is going to be one of those perfumes that I am going to use sparingly. The good thing about it is you don't need a lot of it either, so it's going to last me ages! You can find this luxurious woody scent here: I was also gifted a lovely necklace with my birth stone on from my lovely grandma. You can see this here.

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a shopping trip to Bluewater. The first shop we went into was The Body Shop.

flowers, youth peel, youth liquid peel, green
Drops of Youth
On the day we went The Body Shop were giving away free samples. You can see the little pot of Hawaiian Kukui Cream. I won't lie to you this is the real reason I went in. I had not brought anything from The Body shop in a long time and a sample could rekindle my love again. I used to love the mango lip balm and the born lippy satsuma shimmer lip balm. In the middle of the store there was a little stand displaying the 'Drops of Youth' range. The lady working on the stall called me over and started explaining and demonstrating the new 'Youth Liquid Peel'. Oh my goodness! If this stuff does the same to my face as what it did to the back of my hand, I am going to be one happy girl! I will definitely be doing a review on this. You can find the 'Youth Liquid Peel' here.

We then went into Lush. Now I am like a child in a sweet shop when it comes to Lush, so many things I want but I can't have everything. I'm always well stocked up on Lush products anyway but when you're near a Lush shop, it has to be done. To be fair to myself, I was pretty well restrained in the Lush shop. I came out with 4 items. 'But why are there only 3 items in the picture below?' I hear you say. That is because I brought 2 'Rose Bombshell's' so I could put one in my giveaway. (Which you can enter here! Sorry it is UK only but there will be more in the future as I am thinking of doing one every month!)

Rose Bombshell
Bath bombs
So as I already mentioned I brought 2 Rose Bombshells and if you like the smell of Rose Jam bubble bar this could well be the bath bomb for you. An easy way to describe it's scent is of roses. Next up was one my boyfriend picked out and that was Avobath. I've never tried his one before, so I thought I would give it a go. As you can tell by the name it has avocado in and smells so refreshing. The last thing I brought was Over and Over. This stood out to me because of its refreshing citrus scent and the top coating being a bath melt. Head on over to my Instagram where you can see and watch me try out my lush products.

We then decided to go into HMV and there was one reason I wanted to go in there. That reason was to finally get my hands on Louise Live! I can honestly say I laughed all the way through this! Louise is such a down to earth person and I love how she just says it how it is. This is why it made it all the more funnier. You probably already have, but if you haven't and need a laugh go out and buy Louise Live!

Louise, Louise Pentland, DVD, Louise Live DVD
Louise Live

Again, for the laughs my boyfriend and I decided to buy Mrs Browns Boys. For those of you who are unware of what Mrs. Browns Boys, it's a comedy about a family living in Dublin, Ireland. All of the Characters are played by family and friends. It's informal in the way that they leave in mistakes and banter between the cast.

DVD, Mrs Browns Boys, series
Mrs. Browns Boys

I then also brought the Harry Potter colouring book. I can't remember how much it was, all I know is it was on deal when you spent so much. I did however find it on Amazon in case you were interested.

harry, harry potter, book, colouring
Harry Potter colouring book

We walked round for a little longer and on a corner I discovered Kikki.K! I am a massive stationary fan, so you can only imagine the look on my face when I found the shop.

book, write, pen, pretty, bright
Kikki.K notepad and pen

These were the two things I brought for myself. I brought one other notepad for my giveaway. I loved the simplicity of the everyday notepad. Not only that it's bright and easy to work on. I also brought the blue matching pen. Can I just add that I am actually in love with the Kikki.K website!

subject, date, lined, pen
Inside the notepad

I recently brought 2 Kiko Milano products for my giveaway. I then realised I never brought anything for myself to try. I found this lovely shade which was on special offer.

Peony, shade, pink
Smart lipstick: 928 Peony

This is shade 928 Peony. It was kind of an impulse buy, but when I go home and swatched the lipstick, I realised how well it went with my skin tone.

kiko, kiko milano, pink, swatched
Swatch of 928 Peony

The last place I went to was H&M. I headed straight for the accessories where I found this phone case for £1! I love phone cases and I get bored very easy so I like to swap and change them quite regularly. So obviously when I saw this for £1 I had to have it.

Phone case, gold, bargin
H&M phone case

I plan on doing more haul posts in the future and already have a mini boots one planned.

Tasha x