
Monday 23 April 2018

I'm back! What I've been up to...

Hi everyone!

What's been happening?

Long time no blog! As you know I recently started a new job so I have just been getting back into the working routine. Also, we've been adjusting our routine with Darcie as she has started nursery so we've just been finding what works. I am pleased to say nothing much had to change and everything has worked well.

Upcoming posts:

As for upcoming posts I was thinking about doing a going back to work after being on maternity leave post, tips on little one's staring nursery, a lush haul, a Darcie update and I also have a couple of reviews I have had in lined for a while coming up over the next month. In relation to post scheduling I am aiming to do a post every fortnight, these will either be on a Saturday or a Monday. It will more than likely be the Monday but I'll see how it works out. I'm also thinking about starting doing book reviews. I love reading and I've read a few good books recently so I am thinking about starting doing a few book reviews/what I'm reading posts. I am also going to start blogging

A trip to London:

In the Easter break we visited London. In specific Sea life, Oxford street, M&M's world and I insisted we needed to look at the tower of London but we didn't go inside. We did a little bit of shopping (I say a little, I went a bit wild in Lush). The weather wasn't great but that didn't ruin the day for us. Here are a few pictures from our trip out:

Tasha x