
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Itsatashathing: 50 facts about me

Hi everyone,

Well I've been thinking I've done a couple of blog posts now and I haven't really told you much about myself. So I thought why not try and get 50 facts about me together. 

So here we have it 50 facts about me:

1. I was born on a Friday
2. I'm a Capricorn
3. I'm a natural blonde
4. I was born approximately a month early
5. I don't have a middle name
6. I have a level 3 diploma in childcare and education 
7. I want to take a makeup foundation course to become a makeup artist
8. I'm obsessed with makeup
9. My favourite lipstick is MAC lovelorn (and this was my very first lipstick from MAC)
10. I own an iPhone 6s and this is my first iPhone
11. I'm in to all sorts of different music
12. The first concert I went to was at Wembley.
13. The concert was Busted's
14. My boyfriends name is Aron
15. We met on Instagram (as you do)
16. My favourite colour is red
17. I support Southampton football club
18. I'm right handed
19. I'm terrified of lifts (elevators)
20. I'm also scared of candles (sadly, as I love the smell and find them relaxing)
21. I'm an anxious person
22. I have slight OCD about most things
23. My favourite fruit is strawberries 
24. My favourite vegetable is broccoli
25. I am a massive (probably should be in capital letters and underlined) Harry Potter fan
26. I could watch Harry Potter day in day out (and I probably know the films word for word)
27. Christmas is my favourite time of the year
28. My favourite food is curry
29. My favourite Disney princess is probably Cinderella
30. My mum used to nick name me 'Goldilocks'
31. I love to read
32. I also love history 
33. I love to shop
34. I don't like feet
35. I still have a soft rabbit from when I was born
36. I'm short at just over 5 foot (my Mum is short so I was never going to be tall)
37. I have tiny feet (size 3)
38. My ideal evening is to cuddle up and watch a film (preferably with a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream)
39. I love chocolate
40. I love lush products, it takes me hours to get out of the shop (I'm currently using snow fairy shower gel *heaven*)
41. When I was younger I took part in dance classes, karate classes but my favourite hobby when I was younger was horse riding
42. My favourite animals are probably dogs, horses and rabbits
43. I had a pet rabbit called floppy when I was about 4
44. I've worn braces since the age of 15 (I'm now 20)
45. I had to have an operation on my mouth/teeth, that's why my braces have been on for such a long time (I cannot wait to get them off)
46. I like to see myself as an organised person. However, others may see it as an organised mess (or maybe just a mess)
47. I can't not wear rings, I wear two constantly and used to wear 6 at once
48. I like going on holiday even though I don't like flying
49. I'm a fairly superstitious person 
50. My dream is to go to Florida (one day I will!)

I never thought I'd ever think of 50 facts about me but here we have it. I know they're pretty basic but I couldn't think of much else.

Tasha X 


  1. Love having a nosy at people's 'facts about me' posts. I'm also not a fan of lifts or feet! Totally feel you on those, girl XO

    1. Thanks for reading 😊 I'd rather take the stairs x
