
Tuesday 15 November 2016

Itsatashathing: #AlphaBlogBites Day 15: O is for...

Hi everyone,

O is for...

O is for Ode

So I am going to do a poem to my boyfriend using the word boyfriend.

B- 'B' is for Best friend. He is more then just my boyfriend but my best friend as well.

O- 'O' is for only. My one and only and always will be.

Y- 'Y' is for yummy. All the yummy dinners he makes for me.

F- 'F' is for faithful. I know he will always be faithful to me.

R- 'R' is for reliable. I can always count on him to be there.

I- 'I' is for irreplaceable. I could never replace him with anyone or anything.

E- 'E' is for embrace. I have to admit he does give the best cuddles.

N- 'N' is for natural. I can act naturally around him without having to pretend to be someone else.

D- 'D' is for daughter. We are so excited for her to arrive.

QOTD: Do you have a poem you like?

Tasha x

Me Becoming Mum

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