
Sunday 2 October 2016

Itsatashathing: #Blogtober16 Day 2: An old photo of you

Hi everyone,

It's day 2 of #Blogtober16 and todays post is to post an old photo of me.

So the majority of my 'young me' photos are back at my mums house so I've had to make do with the ones I have with me. You'll have to excuse the quality of them.

So this is the first one:

day out, ride
Me and my Mum
I believe I would have been about 3 in this picture. Having taken it on my phone hasn't given the best quality, my hair is so much brighter in the original. I haven't a clue where I am but I'm on some ride sat next to my Mum.

Picture 2:

holiday, bear
On holiday in Spain

My hair though! Here I am on holiday in Spain with the school bear, I think I was about 7 here. I believe her name was Bernice. When you took her away with you, you had to write and take a picture of her journeys with you.

Sorry the photos aren't the best.

Thanks for reading

Tasha x



  1. Fab photos, especially the first one where you look so smiley :)

    1. Thank you, I have no clue where I was that day

      Tasha x

  2. Aw these are super cute!! I love looking at old photos!x

    1. Thank you :) I only had a few to choose from which made it hard and they were all the embarrassing ones

      Tasha x

  3. aww fab photos! I love looking through old pics! #blogtober16

  4. Fab photos...You don't have to apologise for the quality. They add to the magic of seeing old photos x

    1. Thank you, I suppose it does 😊 I love old photos

      Tasha x

  5. I love looking at old photos! How cute is your teddy bear :)#Blogtober16

  6. Lovely photos, my children still have a bear to bring home from school, and we usually have at least one extra passenger when we go on holiday!

    1. Thank you 😊 I do miss school now sometimes thinking about it, all the fun things you used to get to do

      Thanks for reading

      Tasha x
