
Monday 12 December 2016

Itsatashathing: Blogmas 2016 Day 12: Christmas traditions

Hi everyone,

Another baby update: she still hasn't made her arrival and we're on to day 12...

Blogmas, Blogmas 2016, Christmas, Winter
Christmas traditions
I don't have many but I thought I would write down the ones I do have or have had over the years.

  • Advent calendars! Now I can get greedy with these and usually end up with more than one. I usually have the Lindt ones and a me to you one. This year I have a Cadbury one.
  • My Mum would always leave wrapping presents until Christmas eve when I went to bed.
  • I still get a Santa sack full of bits and pieces.
  • Christmas would always be a big family event. The 'best' table and china would always be used, there would be so many of us sat round the table for dinner.
  • Christmas lunch would always be set out as a buffet on the 'everyday' table.
  • Every year I would visit a Christmas market.
  • As a young girl my Grandma would take me to church.
  • Presents would be given throughout the day. My family don't like opening them all at once.

QOTD: What are your Christmas traditions?

Tasha x

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