'What am I washing my hands with?' I hear you ask. Baylis & Harding hand wash!
Baylis & Harding kindly sent me a couple of their hand washes to try out. I was so pleased about this as I have been meaning to pick one up to try out for some time now. I only have one problem, why did I not just pick these up to try?!
The packaging is perfect! There is no unnecessary packaging, the bottles are perfectly rounded and sturdy. The pumps lock and unlock and I love the silver neck of the pumps. I love how the simple designs are on the bottles. The designs are the same or vary slightly on a couple of the scents, the Baylis & Harding logo is so bold you don't have to second guess yourself at a quick glance that it is a Baylis & Harding hand wash you are buying.
The first scent I tried out was 'sweet mandarin & grapefruit'. I am really into citrus scents at the moment, so this is perfect for me. I find that the balance between the sweet mandarin and grapefruit is just right. The fragrance isn't overpowering either. It is something you can use and it will stay on your hands for some time. It's not however, one of those unbearable scents that you wish would just go, it's light and refreshing. As for the consistency of the hand wash it's not thick and its not too runny. I don't really like thick hand washes as I feel like I use more than I should.
The next fragrance I received was 'jasmine & apple blossom'. I've never really had a hand wash in this sort of scent before. They are always either original scents, citrus or unusual scents, so it was nice to have a change of fragrance. This hand wash has 'added moisturisers' and honestly, I can tell! my hands still feel super soft about 2 to 3 hours later. I have to be really careful with what I use on my hands as they tend to flare up in a rash and can become dry and my skin can split easy. I had no problem using both of these on my hands. This particular hand wash though, has left my hands feeling better than ever, so I will be buying the 'jasmine & apple blossom' hand wash for myself!
My overall verdict, I will defiantly be buying these for myself! I had a browse on Amazon where you can buy the 'sweet mandarin & grapefruit' and 'jasmine & apple blossom' hand washes and I love the sound of all of the fragrances. I particularly want to try 'eucalyptus & mint' because how refreshing and invigorating does this sound?! Also, I would like to try the 'jojoba, silk & almond oil' as this just sounds so luxurious.
Which hand wash would you like to try?
Tasha x
*I received these products in return for a fair and honest review*